The VOICE of Anglers and Hunters since 1928


The OFAH employs a team of professional staff to review policy proposals, changes to regulations and legislation and any other initiatives or programs to advocate for Ontario’s natural resources and the rights and traditions of anglers and hunters.  Your Federation responds to proposed changes that could affect fish and wildlife conservation and angling and hunting opportunities.  The OFAH is involved in fisheries management by:

  • Devoting a fisheries advisory committee to the OFAH governance, which includes local experts, academics and avid anglers
  • Forming the Fisheries Research Unit (FRU) in 2002, which provided independent analytical and technical fisheries research
  • Becoming a key partner in the Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program
  • Partnering to prevent the closure of the Ringwood fish hatchery (formerly run by the MNRF)
  • Representing anglers on MNRF-led Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ) advisory councils across the province
  • Delivering the provincial Community Hatchery Program, a partnership with the MNRF
  • Supporting scientific research through the OFAH Student Research grants
  • Providing critical, scientifically driven input into fisheries-related issues which range from the local, municipal level through the bi-national level

Listed below are some recent examples of your OFAH hard at work on fisheries management.

Official Submissions

May 28th, 2024 OFAH comments on dip netting proposal for Lake Whitefish and Lake Herring in FMZ 11.

Apr 25th, 2024 OFAH provides feedback on Transport Canada’s legislative review of the Canadian Navigable Waters Act.

Mar 27th, 2024 OFAH provides feedback on DFO’s consultation check-in on listing the American Eel under the Species at Risk Act.

Jan 9th, 2024 OFAH sends letter to Minister Graydon Smith on the Fisheries Management Plan for FMZ 15.

Nov 15th, 2023 OFAH comments on the proposed development project at Gravel Point (Palmerston Lake) located off Lafolia Lane (1099A and 1099B).

Oct 2nd, 2023 Regulating ten species and four genera as invasive species under Ontario’s Invasive Species Act, 2015.

Sept 26th, 2023 OFAH comments on MNRF’s proposal to add Jade Perch to the list of eligible species for aquaculture in Ontario.

Sept 13th, 2023 The OFAH provides feedback on DFO’s Wave 3 engagement under the Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program.

August 30th, 2023 OFAH provides feedback on the recovery strategy for small- and large-bodied forms of Lake Opeongo Lake Whitefish.

August 23rd, 2023 OFAH provides feedback on the MNRF’s proposed amendments to the bait regulations.

July 20, 2023 OFAH calls on Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow to address angler harassment and increase urban fishing opportunities

June 13, 2023  OFAH responds to Transport Canada’s proposed amendments to pleasure craft licences (PCL) that includes a fee for a new, renewal, transfer, or replacement PCL.

May 26, 2023  Letter to MNRF – ROD – Southern Region – Kemptville Work Centre about Temporary Fish Sanctuaries – Opinicon Lake and Charleston Lake.

May 16, 2023  Letter to Parks Canada about developing general regulations under the Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act.

Apr 27, 2023  Letter to Transport Canada about requirements around engine cut-off switches on certain recreational vessels

Apr 11, 2023  OFAH provides feedback on potential revisions to the rules for catch and release of fish during recreational fishing

Apr 4, 2023  Letter to Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry about Rethinking Ontario’s Sustainable Bait Management Strategy

Response from Minister Smith – July 5th, 2023 MNRF refuses to repeal baitfish management strategy, but open to amendments

Mar 2, 2023  Letter to Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard about Implementation of the Fisheries Act – Cumulative Effects
Read the response received from the DFO – May 2023

Jan 9, 2023  ERO 019-6067  Lake of the Woods Draft Recreational Walleye Plan

Dec 15, 2022  OFAH comments on the position statement on the Consideration of Cumulative Effects on Fish and Fish Habitat In Support of Decision-Making under the Fisheries Act

Dec 7, 2022 OFAH comments on draft Fisheries management Zone (FMZ10) Management Plan

Nov 15, 2022  OFAH comments on draft Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ 15) Management Plan

Oct 31, 2022  OFAH comments on the Framework for Aquatic Species At Risk Conservation

Sept 14, 2022  OFAH opposes listing Lake Whitefish (large and small bodied populations) in Opeongo Lake as threatened under the Species At Risk Act

June 30, 2022  OFAH provides further input to modernize fish & fish habitat protection in the Fisheries Act

June 3, 2022  OFAH comments on the draft Lake Superior Lakewide Action and Management Plan 2020-2024

May 30, 2022  OFAH provides input on the fish & fish habitat protection provisions of the Fisheries Act

May 10, 2022  OFAH recommendations to ensure angling is protected and respected at Grenadier Pond and other areas in the City of Toronto

Apr 27, 2022 OFAH provides input on potential opportunities and approaches to improve municipal wastewater and stormwater management and water conservation in Ontario.

Feb 10, 2022  OFAH voices concerns with proposed Bradford Bypass (County Rd 4) construction that could impact fisheries, species at risk and invasive species

Aug 1, 2021  OFAH joins signatory to express concerns related to fish and fish habitat in the Fisheries Act

June 30, 2021  OFAH provides feedback to help modernize or develop new policies, frameworks, instruments and guidance to further implement the fish and fish habitat protection provisions of the Fisheries Act

June 9, 2021 OFAH comments on MNRF’s proposed approaches and concepts to inform fisheries management planning for Fisheries Management Zone 16

June 7, 2021  ERO 019-3465 Regulating 13 invasive species & watercraft as a carrier of invasive species under Ontario’s Invading Species Act

May 11, 2021  OFAH responds to the MNRF’s proposed changes to the 2022 fishing regulations in Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ) 11 and Lake Nipissing

Apr 8, 2021  OFAH comments on the Town of Erin Urban Centre Wastewater Treatment Plan project

March 3, 2021 OFAH comments on the 10-year review of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan

Feb 12, 2021  OFAH comments on Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s discussion paper – A Canadian Aquaculture Act

Jan 18, 2021 OFAH comments on the MNRF’s proposal to increase set fines for certain recreational and commercial fishery offences and establish new ticketable offences

Jan 15, 2021 OFAH responds to Transport Canada’s proposals for Modernizing Pleasure Craft Licensing and Modernizing the Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Program

Jan 11, 2021  OFAH comments on the FMZ 6 Fisheries Management Plan Amendments for Lake Trout

Nov 20, 2020 OFAH comments on changes to aquaculture licensing in Ontario

Apr 2, 2020  OFAH comments on Lake Ontario proposed Bass fishing season changes

Dec 20, 2019  OFAH comments on the Federal Aquaculture Act

Nov 14, 2019  ERO 019-0518 OFAH comments on Ontario’s Sustainable Bait Management Strategy

Sept 4, 2019  ERO 019-0198 OFAH comments on the Canada-Ontario Agreement (COA) on Great Lakes Water Quality & Ecosystem Health 2020

July 23, 2019  ERO 019-0130 OFAH response to multiple lines for Common Carp fishing and chumming

May 31, 2019  OFAH compilation of stakeholder comments on baitfish “this is what we heard”

March 11, 2019  OFAH comments on the Fisheries Management Plan for FMZ 11

Sept 21, 2018  OFAH provides input on proposed changes to the Fisheries Act

June 1, 2018 OFAH response to lead-free fishing tackle and ammunition proposal

Apr 5, 2018  OFAH weighs in on the Riverside Dam Rebuild, Cambridge, ON

Dec 21, 2017  The OFAH provides feedback on the FMZ 16 Stakeholder Listening Session Workbook

June 23, 2017  EBR 012-9791  OFAH comments on the Strategic Policy for Bait

May 24, 2017  EBR 012-9971  OFAH comments on the Canada Ontario Action Plan for Lake Erie

March 9, 2017  EBR 012-9197  OFAH comments on the Black Sturgeon River Camp 43 Dam Project – public inspection of draft environmental study

Feb 21, 2017  OFAH’s response to the Municipal Access Fishing Pass to the Ganaraska River, Port Hope

Feb 1, 2017  OFAH voices concerns over Station St. dam and bridge EA (Credit R.)

Jan 10, 2017  EBR 012-9151  OFAH comments on the Bottled Water Technical Guidance Document

Nov 30, 2016  OFAH reviews the 2012-2013 changes to the Fisheries Act

June 29, 2016  EBR 012-5045  OFAH comments on the application guidelines for cage aquaculture facilities

June 29, 2016  EBR 012-7186 OFAH comments on provincial policy to manage the effects of cage aquaculture on water quality and sediment

June 6, 2016  EBR 012-3585 OFAH comments on Fisheries Management Plan for FMZ 18

June 2, 2016  EBR 012-6583 OFAH comments on Fisheries Management Plan for FMZ 12

March 10, 2016  OFAH supports the listing of microbeads as a toxic substance under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act

March 8, 2016  OFAH reviews MNR/DFO protocol for water crossings in Forest Management Planning

Dec 22, 2015  OFAH writes to London, ON Mayor to decommission the Springbank Dam ALSO… check out the timeline of events here AND…watch the City of London meetings City of London meetings here

Aug 6, 2015  EBR 012-4341 OFAH comments on the Stocking Plan for the Ontario waters of Lake Superior

July 13, 2015  OFAH response to the Lake Ontario north shore Urban Recreational Fishing Strategy

May 19, 2015  EBR 012-3903 OFAH response to proposed Walleye changes for Lake Scugog

Apr 28, 2015  EBR 012-3046 OFAH response to the Lake Ontario Stocking Plan

Apr 21, 2015  OFAH support for Atlantic Salmon Regulation Changes for FMZ 16 & 17 (catch & release fishery)

Mar 11, 2015  OFAH responds to the Black’s Dam Sanctuary proposal

Dec 19, 2014  EBR 012-2836 Provincial Bait Policy Review – Angler Use and Movement of Baitfish in Ontario

Dec 19, 2014  EBR 012-2835 Provincial Bait Policy Review – Bait Use and Commercial Harvest in Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves

May 16, 2014  EBR 012-0291 Provincial Fish Strategy for Ontario

Apr 23, 2014  EBR 012-1353 Lake Nipissing Fisheries Management Plan


Where we Stand

  • Fisheries decisions must be made using the best available science
  • Fisheries management should consider an ecosystem focus
  • Ontario fisheries need to be sustainable
  • Fishing should be regulated appropriately
  • Anglers should have the option to keep fish for food (based on regulations)
  • Anglers should have the option to harvest their own live bait (based on regulations)
  • Ontario fisheries are shared, public resources managed by provincial and federal governments
  • Fish stocking is one of many valuable fisheries management tools
  • Invasive species threaten our ecosystems.  Introductions and spreading should be prevented.

Committee Involvement

Albion Hills Conservation Area Master Plan

Public Advisory Committee Asian Carp

Regional Coordinating Committee

Atlantic Salmon Steering Committee

Atlantic Salmon Habitat Working Group

Black Sturgeon River Structured Decision Making Process

Brock Lands Public Advisory Committee

Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network (CAISN)

City of Toronto Biodiversity Book Series

Team Cobourg Creek Fisheries Management Plan Technical Team

Credit River Fisheries Management Plan Committee

Fleming College Ecosystem Management Program Advisory Council

Fleming College Applied & Community Based Research Program Advisory Council

Great Lakes Fishery Commission (Canadian Advisor on Recreational Fishing in the Great Lakes)

Great Lakes Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species

Great Lakes & St. Lawrence River Cities Initiative/Great Lakes Commission

Restoring the Natural Divide Advisory Committee Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Basin

Sustainable Water Resources Agreement Advisory Panel

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA)

GTA Recreational Fishing Committee

Halton Fisheries Management Plan – Technical Committee

Humber Station Road Environmental Assessment Technical Advisory Committee

Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program (LOASRP) Partnership Committee

Lake Simcoe Fisheries Stakeholder Committee

MNRF Bait Review Advisory Group

MNRF Lake Erie Percid Management Advisory Group (LEPMAG)

MNRF Fisheries Management Zone Councils 17, 19 and 20

OFAH Fisheries Advisory Committee

Pickering Airport Lands Restoration Opportunities Planning Team

Toronto Urban Recreational Fishing Plan Technical Team

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