The VOICE of Anglers and Hunters since 1928

Township of North Dumfries – Discharge of Firearms By-law Review

URGENT – Township of North Dumfries

Please be advised that on Monday September 9, 2019 (TONIGHT) the Township of North Dumfries will be discussing and voting on a staff report that recommends a full comprehensive review of the current Discharge of Firearms By-law.

The Committee of the Whole meeting will start at 6:00p.m. in council chambers located at 2958 Greenfield Road, Ayr, Ontario.

The report can be found on their website, as part of the agenda package:

We apologize for the last-minute notice; however, we have just been made aware of this meeting ourselves.  If you are unable to attend but would still like to have your voice heard, we would strongly recommend that you send an email to voice your concerns.  Please email Ashley Sage, Clerk at,  and/or click on the following link to find a complete listing for the mayor and members of council (

We would also respectfully ask that you copy OFAH head office on your email at (Brian McRae, senior advisor, community & partner relations).

We appreciate your support and assistance on this urgent matter.

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