The VOICE of Anglers and Hunters since 1928

O.F.A.H. and O.C.O.A. promote a safe and responsible moose hunt

October 5, 2009

For Immediate Release

O.F.A.H. and O.C.O.A. promote a safe and responsible moose hunt

For over 100,000 Ontario residents, the month of October is a time to dig out the hunter orange clothing and participate in the annual moose hunt. The Ontario Conservation Officers Association (O.C.O.A.) and the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (O.F.A.H.) want to wish all Ontario hunters a safe and successful hunt.

"During the moose hunt, Conservation Officers (C.O.’s) will focus their activities on violations that threaten our moose herds and public safety," says O.C.O.A. President Dan VanExan. "Officers will be out in force — conducting uniformed patrols, running road check stations, and undertaking specialized investigations targeting habitual violators."

"Responsible hunters strive to maintain the highest standards of public safety and have a profound respect for wildlife," said O.F.A.H. Executive Director Mike Reader. "Hunters and anglers led the conservation movement in North America more than a hundred years ago, and to this day are leading efforts to conserve and enhance wildlife throughout the province. Hunters are partners in wildlife management, and they respect wildlife seasons and limits which ensure a sustainable harvest, today and into the future."

Every year, C.O.’s investigate cases of moose carcasses that are found abandoned in the bush. This often occurs when hunters mistakenly shoot an animal for which they are not licensed, and leave the animal to rot because they are afraid of being charged for their mistake. C.O.’s are hunters themselves, and have the utmost respect for someone who calls to report accidentally shooting the wrong moose. Hunters are encouraged to report any accidental kills immediately, and to trust officers to respect this cooperation during their investigation.

"Officers will have zero tolerance for anyone who allows a moose to spoil," said VanExan. "Walking away from an honest mistake and allowing a valuable game animal to be wasted is an offence that no one should tolerate. Help us do our jobs by reporting this illegal and unethical behavior."

Anyone who observes illegal or unsafe hunting activity is asked to help C.O.’s protect our natural resources and ensure public safety by calling the M.N.R.’s violation reporting line at 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7677), or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

For more information about natural resources regulations and enforcement, please visit the O.C.O.A. website at or contact your local Conservation Officer.

Representing more than 100,000 members, subscribers and supporters, the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters is the province’s largest nonprofit fish and wildlife conservation-based organization, and the voice of anglers and hunters.



Lezlie Goodwin
Communications Coordinator
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
705-748-6324 ext 270

Dan VanExan
Ontario Conservation Officers Association
(613) 478-6132

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