The VOICE of Anglers and Hunters since 1928

Free fishing weekend July 5-7!

If one activity could sum up summer in Canada it would have to be fishing, and for three wonderful days Ontarians can enjoy this wonderful outdoor activity licence free!

Ontario Family Fishing Weekend July 5 through 7 celebrates Ontario’s outdoor heritage with a host of events slated in communities across the province. Communities across Ontario have proclaimed the annual event that has steadily grown in popularity since its inception in 1994.

Summing up the reasons many families participate in Ontario Family Fishing Weekend, Ontario Minister of Natural Resources, Hon. Jerry Ouellette said, “For my wife Dianne and I, sons Josh and Garrett, fishing is a way for the us to enjoy Ontario’s great outdoors. I’m not sure if the boys like fishing or frogging better, but I am sure we all love the opportunity to wet a line at any time.”

Bigger and better than ever, Ontario Family Fishing Weekend (O.F.F.W.) has for the second year joined forces with National Fishing Week (N.F.W.), July 6-14, 2002, as part of an exciting, week-long celebration of angling as a great national pastime and a way to bring families and friends together.

Over 50 events are scheduled across Ontario to celebrate O.F.F.W. Clinics, seminars, fishing derbies, interpretive studies, draws, contests, prizes and so much more are offered during the event that has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years. Events are held at provincial parks, marinas, conservation authorities, bait and tackle retailers and at many fish and game clubs. In addition, new anglers can call 1-800-667-1940 or visit our web site at to get the Introduction to Fishing Package.

“Ontario Family Fishing Weekend and National Fishing Week help generate awareness of opportunities that provide healthy, family-oriented outdoor activities. We know that when people get involved in the outdoors they are more aware of their natural surroundings and are more likely to take an active role in protecting and enhancing our natural resources,” said O.F.F.W. Chair Mark Holmes.

Two years ago the Canadian National Sportfishing Foundation (C.N.S.F.) created the first N.F.W. event funded largely by the fishing industry with Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources’ support. Across the nation, National Fishing Week quickly drew the interest of the fisheries agencies in provinces and territories that are now on board as active sponsors.

National Fishing Week Project Coordinator, Rick Amsbury of the C.N.S.F. explains that, like Ontario Family Fishing Weekend, the National event helps demonstrate to Canadians that responsible fishing is good for the resource and a terrific way for families to spend quality time together. It’s a known fact that Canada has more quality fishing opportunities than anywhere else in the world, adds Amsbury.

Additional information on Ontario’s Family Fishing Weekend can be found at, or log on to the new N.F.W. web site at for up-to-date events and activities.

Angling is a multi-billion dollar industry in Ontario. Over two million people will go fishing at least once this year and Ontario Family Fishing Weekend is an excellent means for people to discover or rediscover the joys of angling.


  • Ontario has over 250,000 lakes
  • Ontario has over 150 species of fish
  • Among Ontario’s largest fish is the Lake Sturgeon that can live over 100 years and reach scale tipping weights of 200 pounds or more.
  • Among the tiniest fish in Ontario water is the fathead minnow that would stretch to reach two inches in length.

For more information about Ontario Family Fishing Weekend contact Mark Holmes at 705-748-6324, fax 705-748-9577 or e-mail, Alan Crook, O.M.N.R. Family Fishing Weekend Coordinator at 705-755-2551, or Mike Melnik, Impact Communications at 705-292-6112. For more information about National Fishing Week contact Rick Amsbury, C.N.S.F., Project Coordinator at 705-745-8433.

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