The VOICE of Anglers and Hunters since 1928

Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program

BEST BBTSsupportedbyOPGclearMore than a century after our once thriving population of Atlantic Salmon were last seen in Lake Ontario, the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), together with many partners, are working to bring Atlantic Salmon back to the lake. This treasured species is an important part of our natural heritage and Ontario’s biodiversity.

Ontario Power Generation is the Bring Back the Salmon lead sponsor. The LCBO Natural Heritage Fund, Banrock Station Wines, TD Friends of the Environment Fund and the City of Mississauga are also providing significant support. In all, more than 40 corporations, Conservation Authorities, nongovernment environmental organizations, landowners and others are partnering to help Bring Back the Salmon.

Learn more about this historic restoration effort and how you can get involved.

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