The VOICE of Anglers and Hunters since 1928

McGuinty delivers good news for better Crown land access

OFAH File: 842
February 23, 2006

For Immediate Release

McGuinty delivers good news for better Crown land access
Years of O.F.A.H. lobbying is working for anglers and hunters

Tens of thousands of outdoor enthusiasts, proudly represented by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, are celebrating great news for better access to Crown land.

Yesterday, Premier Dalton McGuinty and Natural Resources Minister, David Ramsay, announced their government’s commitment of $75 million in annual funding to support the construction and maintenance costs of primary and secondary access roads.

“Families and communities throughout Ontario rely on forestry to build a higher quality of life and create a brighter future,” said Premier McGuinty. “That’s why we’re working with the (forest) sector to help control its costs and achieve its vision of a more innovative, competitive and sustainable future.”

The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters was invited to be part of this special forestry announcement because 81,000 O.F.A.H. members have spent years lobbying the government to improve Crown land access, particularly in northern Ontario.

“Because ninety percent of Ontario’s forested lands are Crown land, the O.F.A.H. works hard to promote equal access so that all taxpayers can enjoy all types of outdoor opportunities, including fishing and hunting,” said O.F.A.H. Executive Director, Mike Reader. “We are very pleased to hear Premier McGuinty’s commitment to maintain and improve Crown land access. He has taken responsibility for a provincial treasure that will now see improved access for the taxpayers to which our Crown land actually belongs.”

The O.F.A.H. is Ontario’s largest, most effective fishing and hunting organization representing 81,000 members and 630 member clubs. For more information, visit

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Greg Farrant
Government Relations Manager
(705) 748-6324

Robert J. Pye
Communications Coordinator
(705) 748-6324 ext. 267

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