The VOICE of Anglers and Hunters since 1928

Bear attacks show failure in Government’s management policy

OFAH FILE: 842/405
September 22, 2005
For Immediate Release

Bear attacks show failure in Government’s management policy

This week’s vicious black bear attack, the second in less than a month in Ontario, is yet another example of why for over six-and-a-half years (since the spring bear hunt was cancelled in 1999), the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters has tried everything possible to convince the Ontario government to reinstate the hunt.

“We told the government then, and have continued to do so ever since, that regulated hunting is a proven wildlife population control tool that can increase public safety. Unfortunately, our dire predictions continue to come true,” said O.F.A.H. biologist, Dr. Terry Quinney. “Reduced harvest of bears resulting from the cancellation of the spring bear hunt has resulted in an increase of bear numbers and density, and an increase in the number of aggressive adult male bears.”

Here is what six independent bear experts from across North America said when the hunt was cancelled: “Increasing interaction with humans resulting from higher bear densities is likely to result in more bear attacks on humans. Bear attacks on humans are more prevalent in areas where no hunting occurs (e.g. in parks) than in areas where bears are hunted. As the structure of the bear population changes [because of no spring hunt including] more older aged male bears, it is probable that the incidence of ‘human predatory’ bears will increase.”

A key question that must be addressed immediately is – has the government done everything reasonably possible to minimize the possibilities of the occurrence of such tragedies? The O.F.A.H. repeats what it said more than three years ago: “The cancellation of the spring bear hunt was bad for people and bad for bears

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