Black Bears
The OFAH remains the strongest voice for Ontario bear hunters who benefit from one of the largest black bear populations in North America. In 1999, the Ministry of Natural Resources cancelled the spring bear hunt which led to economic downturn for many northern businesses, lost revenue to provincial funds, increased human-bear encounters and the downgrading of bears from a valued game species to nuisance animal. As one of the most controversial and respected big game species, the OFAH has invested years of resources, time and finances to preserve bear hunting opportunities in the province. With significant membership support, our efforts were finally realized in 2014 with the first spring bear hunt pilot project resuming in parts of northern Ontario after a 15 year absence. The OFAH will continue to do everything possible to reinstate the spring bear hunt across Ontario’s black bear range which generated over $40 million annually, provided wholesome food, valuable hides, countless jobs and rewarding hunting experiences for thousands of hunters each year.
OFAH weighs in on spring bear hunt misinformation