The VOICE of Anglers and Hunters since 1928

Firearms Registry Key Election Issue

The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, (O.F.A.H.) is pleased to see that the ill-fated firearms registry has been front and center in many communities and at several all candidates meetings during the federal election campaign.

“It is clear from the interest being paid to the issue by candidates, voters and the media in many areas of the province that the issue is still at the forefront of people’s minds,” said Greg Farrant, O.F.A.H. Government Relations and Communications Manager. “Provincial and territorial governments, taxpayers and taxpayers federations, municipalities, police associations, farmers, sport shooters, hunters and voters across Canada from British Columbia to Nova Scotia are fed up with the federal government’s ill-advised defense of a system that the Auditor General of Canada has labeled a financial black hole. Despite repeated promises to fix the mess, and despite the federal government’s pride in their fiscal record of deficit reduction over the last ten years, they have repeatedly refused to address the financial nightmare that the firearms registry has become.”

Mr. Farrant went on to note that the system was touted by the government as a means of saving lives. “In this respect, the system has failed miserably. Long guns used by farmers, recreational shooters and hunters were never the problem. Illegal firearms being smuggled into Canada are used to shoot and kill people in communities across Canada every day. The registry has done nothing to stop this from happening, something that Chief Julian Fantino of the Toronto Police Service has repeatedly pointed out.”

When introduced, the government claimed that the system would cost no more than $20 million. As the price tag for the system climbs towards $2 billion, and illegal handguns continue to be the firearm of record in most urban shootings, the O.F.A.H. and their colleagues across the country have urged the government to scrap the registry and to work with the outdoor community to bring in sensible guidelines that focus on the real problem.

Contact: Greg Farrant
Government Relations & Communications Manager
(705) 748-6324

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