The VOICE of Anglers and Hunters since 1928

Harper government fulfills promise to outdoor community

November 1, 2012
For Immediate Release

Harper government fulfills promise to outdoor community

Records from failed long gun registry are history 

Earlier today, the Honourable Vic Toews, Minister of Public Safety, announced that the records associated with the badly flawed long gun registry have been destroyed, with the exception of those in Quebec.

“The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) is pleased that the government has followed through on its commitment to the outdoor community across Canada, and completed the destruction of the records associated with non-restricted long guns,” said Greg Farrant, Manager of Government Affairs and Policy. “We strongly supported Bill C-19, and the inclusion in that legislation of a mechanism that would allow for the destruction of the records associated with the registry. We are delighted that the Harper government has followed through on its promise in such a timely fashion”. 

Once Bill C-19 was passed into law earlier this year, the records on non-restricted long guns, which were already outdated and highly inaccurate, became even more redundant. The destruction of the records brings to a close a long and highly controversial chapter in the failed attempts by the previous government to demonize legal, law abiding firearms owners in Canada.

“It was immediately evident when Bill C-68 was passed by the Liberal government in the late 1990’s that the system was unworkable, would be ruinously expensive and would never result in the promise of saving of lives and enhancing public safety. This was re-confirmed by the Auditor General of Canada who made it clear the government of the day was unable to demonstrate how either of those goals had been achieved, despite wasting over a billion dollars of taxpayers money. The Prime Minister, Minister Toews, Parliamentary Secretary Candice Bergen and dozens of MP’s have been steadfast in their commitment to rid us of this albatross. By focusing on crime prevention and other means to address gun violence on our streets, they are targeting the real causes of crime which is in no way related to the proper use of firearms by trained, legal and law abiding hunters and recreational sport shooters. They should be commended for their diligence in this matter,” said Farrant.

With over 100,000 members, supporters and subscribers, and 675 member clubs across the province, the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters is the largest non-profit fish and wildlife conservation organization in Ontario.  For further information, visit and stay connected on Facebook and Twitter.



Greg Farrant
Manager, Government Affairs and Policy
(705) 748-6324, ext. 236
(705) 875-0274 (cell)                        

Shannon Gutoskie
Manager of Communications
(705)748-6324 ext 270
(705)760-5537 (cell) 

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