The VOICE of Anglers and Hunters since 1928

OFAH Refutes Claim that Scrapping of Long Gun Registry will Eliminate Access to Firearms Information

October 26, 2011

For Immediate Release

OFAH Refutes Claim that Scrapping of Long Gun Registry will Eliminate Access to Firearms Information
Police still have many sources of information related to firearms

PETERBOROUGH, ON — In the aftermath of the introduction of Bill C-19, An Act to Amend theCriminal Code and Firearms Act, spokespersons for the Canadian Association of Chiefs ofPolice, anti-gun groups and opposition parties are claiming that the abolition of the long gunregistry, and all associated data, will rob police of a valuable tool to keep track of guns inCanada, and leave them with ‘nothing to check.’

“”Nothing could be farther from the truth,”” said OFAH Executive Director Mike Reader. “”As thePresident of the Canadian Police Association noted, police have sources of information anddata other than the long gun registry that enables them to keep track of what they consider to befirearms threats. The information available through firearms licensing alone ensures that policewill know who is legal to own firearms in Canada. CPIC, the National Information Centre,registries of restricted and prohibited long guns and handguns, which are not affected by Bill C-19, information that exists in local or provincial databases like PRIME in British Columbia, anddatabases maintained by the RCMP (SPURS), the OPP and other police forces contain awealth of information, and they keep growing.””

Mr. Reader noted that the long gun registry is and always has been a database of people whohave done nothing wrong. “”Instead of lamenting the loss of this badly flawed system, whichtargets the law abiding as opposed to the lawbreaker, police and others who are rallying to thedefence of the registry should be supporting the creation of a database that tracks people whoshouldn’t have guns, those who have committed crimes with firearms, who have been chargedwith domestic violence, or for other reasons have been ruled ineligible and have been turneddown for a firearms licence. The focus should be on those who shouldn’t have guns, not thosewho have demonstrated, through training, safe storage and safe use, that they pose no threat topublic safety.””

With over 100,000 members, subscribers and supporters, and 670 member clubs, the OFAH isthe province’s largest nonprofit, fish and wildlife conservation-based organization, and theVOICE of anglers and hunters. For more information, visit


Media Contacts:

Greg Farrant
Manager, Government Affairs & Policy
(705) 748-6324 ext. 236
(705) 875-0274
Lezlie Goodwin
Manager of Communications
(705) 748-6324 ext 270

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