OFAH FILE: 842 November 7, 2008 |
For immediate release |
Increased fall deer activity part of natural cycle
Hunting is a control, not the cause of increased wildlife/vehicle collisions
Every fall there is an increase of wildlife activity on Ontario’s roadways that results in thousands of vehicle collisions with wild animals. At times, this occurrence is mistakenly attributed to the presence of hunters in the woods. In fact, the opposite is true.
“Vehicle/wildlife collisions are highest in Ontario from October through December when animals are moving and mating; they are very active,” says Dr. Terry Quinney, O.F.A.H. Provincial Manager of Fish and Wildlife Services. “Hunting, which is strictly regulated by the Ministry of Natural Resources, helps dramatically reduce the number of vehicle collisions caused by certain species, such as deer, moose and bear.”
According to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation website, “Wild animals are unpredictable at all times. However, there are two peak times when the risk of a collision is highest: May and June when animals seek road salt in ditches and try to escape biting insects and during the fall mating and migration seasons.” The site also states that on average in Ontario, there is a collision every 37 minutes.
The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters has produced public service announcements for TV and print in an effort to alert Ontario drivers of the dangers of increased fall wildlife movement, and for the past three years has partnered with the City of Ottawa, (home of the province’s highest number of wildlife/vehicle collisions) in running a “Speeding Costs You Deerly” public service campaign.
With 83,000 members and 655 member clubs, the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters is the leading fishing, hunting and conservation organization in Ontario. For more information, visit www.ofah.org.
O.F.A.H. Provincial Manager of Fish and Wildlife Services
705-748-6324 ext 242