The VOICE of Anglers and Hunters since 1928

O.F.A.H. partners plan major walleye stocking program

O.F.A.H. partners plan major walleye stocking program
Congratulations to the Ontario Government for helping to increase fishing opportunities

This week, the Ontario government delivered some great news that will help the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (O.F.A.H.) and its partners stock walleye in parts of southern Ontario where the walleye fishery has declined. In partnership with the O.F.A.H., the McGuinty government is investing $100,000 to increase walleye stocking. ( Read M.N.R. release “Province Increases Angling Opportunities for Walleye” )

“The O.F.A.H. is pleased that Minister Ramsay and his staff support our interest in increasing walleye fishing opportunities in Ontario,” said O.F.A.H. Executive Director, Mike Reader. “Support from the Ontario government is the critical first step in pursuing the O.F.A.H. plan for community-supported, partnership-driven walleye hatchery programs across the province. We are proud to participate as a leading partner in another major fisheries improvement program with the Ministry of Natural Resources.” In most situations, walleye populations in southern Ontario are not producing as many fish as they once did. Invading species such as zebra mussels, as well as the introduction of bluegill and black crappie in some waterways, have dramatically reduced natural reproduction due to predation. Funding from the government will help support walleye stocking at the fingerling stage, which presents stronger survival rates than stocking walleye fry.

Walleye are considered Ontario’s number one favorite sport fish that provide tremendous social and economic opportunities across the province. For example, Rice Lake’s walleye fishery alone generates $50 million a year for the Peterborough area economy. Restoring Ontario’s walleye population is just one of the many conservation partnerships spearheaded by the O.F.A.H. Other fisheries improvement initiatives include:

  • O.F.A.H./Toronto Sportsmen’s Show Ringwood Fish Culture Station where millions of trout and salmon will be raised;
  • The Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program, in partnership with the M.N.R., Banrock Station Wines, LCBO, Canadian Sport Fishing Industry Association and others, is bringing back a lost ecological treasure and improving our coldwater streams;
  • O.F.A.H./M.N.R. Invading Species Awareness Program is recognized internationally for our work in combating the spread of aquatic invaders such as zebra mussels, goby, spiny water flea, and sea lamprey;
  • Community Stream Steward Program, hosted by the O.F.A.H., works with landowners and volunteers on local cold-water stream restoration projects that support our fisheries and healthy waterways; and
  • Advocacy for effective cormorant control programs.

With over 81,000 members and 655 member clubs, the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters is leading fishing, hunting and conservation organization in Ontario.


Jeremy Holden
O.F.A.H. Fisheries Biologist
(705) 748-6324
Robert Pye
Communications Coordinator
(705) 748-6324

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