OFAH FILE: 842 | For Immediate Release | |
O.F.A.H. Tackle Share hooks into Ontario Family Fishing Weekend – July 6 to 8O.F.A.H. Tackle Share. The name says it all because the concept is simple: Make opportunities to go fishing as easy as signing out a book from a local library. Encouraging kids and adults to go fishing is exactly what inspired the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters to develop its national award-winning Tackle Share program almost 10 years ago. Since that time, over 100 Tackle Share loaner-sites have been established in communities throughout Ontario which are hosted by Ontario Parks, Big Brothers/Big Sisters Association, public libraries and various other conservation and park areas. “Through O.F.A.H. Tackle Share, young people learn that there is more to do in the summer than just sitting behind a computer or playing video games,” said Mark Cousins, O.F.A.H. Tackle Share Coordinator. “O.F.A.H. Tackle Share provides free access to fishing rods, reels and assorted tackle. It has opened a world of outdoor opportunities for thousands of O.F.A.H. Tackle Share participants many of whom have caught their first fish using this program.” Travelling Tackle Share: In addition to providing access to fishing gear, the O.F.A.H. also provides fishing lessons through its highly acclaimed summer outreach program called Travelling Tackle Share. This program visits Ontario Parks and special community events throughout the province. The program covers topics such as fish identification, fishing techniques and waterways habitat and features a shoreline fishing trip using gear provided by O.F.A.H. Tackle Share. Ontario Family Fishing Weekend: During Ontario’s license-free fishing weekend, running July 6 to 8, O.F.A.H. Tackle Share will be doing its part to get people hooked on fishing. Ontario Family Fishing Weekend is a province-wide initiative that is now led by the O.F.A.H. and the Ontario Family Fishing Weekend Committee and supported by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Canadian National Sportfishing Foundation, Department of Fisheries and Oceans and Northern Ontario Tourist Outfitters. To find out where O.F.A.H. Tackle Share loaner sites are located, or where the Travelling Tackle Share program is headed this summer, visit www.tackleshare.com.
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