The VOICE of Anglers and Hunters since 1928

Grenville Fish and Game Club wins Ontario’s conservation crown

April 2, 2007

For Immediate Release

Grenville Fish and Game Club wins Ontario’s conservation crown

The Mary Pickford Trophy is described, by some, as the “Stanley Cup of Ontario’s outdoors community.” It is the conservation crown of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and the pinnacle achievement for a long list of conservation clubs that the Federation proudly salutes every year.

Named after the late great Canadian actress, and an avid outdoors-person in her own right, the O.F.A.H. Mary Pickford Trophy represents anglers’ and hunters’ ongoing pursuit of habitat improvements, fisheries and wildlife restoration, invading species control, as well as opportunities for our children to enjoy the great family traditions of fishing, hunting, and trapping that have kept conservation strong.

Without ever expecting recognition for their tireless volunteer efforts, O.F.A.H. members from the Grenville Fish and Game Club recently stood up to be recognized as they humbly accepted the prestigious Mary Pickford Trophy. The award was presented at the O.F.A.H. Annual Conference, in Toronto, which was attended by over 500 delegates, representatives from Canada’s fishing, hunting and marine industry, as well as dignitaries including Public Safety Minister, Stockwell Day.

“Congratulations to the members of the Grenville Fish and Game Club for their ambition and innovative programs that help promote conservation and our outdoor traditions,” said Mike Reader, O.F.A.H. Executive Director. “From pitching in for conservation with their annual litter clean-ups, purple loosestrife control projects and live release initiatives, to promoting fishing and hunting through club initiatives like the Little Dreamer Pontoon Boat and the Grenville Goslings goose hunting program, the Grenville Fish and Game Club is a brilliant example of what can be achieved through volunteer dedication.”

Located in the small eastern Ontario town of Prescott, the Grenville Fish and Game Club (in O.F.A.H. Zone F) is active all year long with sponsorship and volunteer supported programs that introduce youth and families to fishing, hunting, archery and many types of competitive shooting sports. Among many other outreach programs, the club’s Little Dreamer Pontoon Boat is used to provide free fishing experiences for community agencies such as Children’s Aid Society, Scouts and area senior’s groups.



Robert J. Pye
O.F.A.H. Communications Coordinator
(705) 748-6324 ext 267

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