OFAH File: 842 | For Immediate Release | ||
Dropping cosmetics for camouflage at O.F.A.H. Women’s Outdoors weekend Forget the curling irons and makeup, pack your fishing rods and camouflage for the annual Women’s Outdoors Weekend, presented by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. About 100 women from across the province are descending on the Kinark Outdoor Centre, near Minden, to participate in the only provincial women’s outdoors program of its kind. Starting at noon today, and running all weekend, the O.F.A.H. Women’s Outdoors Weekend is, once again, a sell-out event. Hands-on workshops include fishing, target shooting, archery, canoeing, outdoor cooking and survival training. This highly acclaimed O.F.A.H. event is supported by Canadian Tire, Eastman Outdoors, Carbon Express, SuperFly, Stoeger, Winchester Ammunition and Yamaha ATV’s (supplied by Haliburton Outdoor Equipment). Michelle Vardy, of Midland, is a past participant and now a volunteer organizer for the annual O.F.A.H. Women’s Outdoors Weekend. She said that this O.F.A.H. event helped tweak her initial interest in fishing and hunting, two activities that have since become her self-confessed “outdoor passions.” “There are many women who are often tempted to get involved in fishing and hunting but simply don’t know where or how to start. The O.F.A.H. Women’s Outdoors Weekend is a jumping-in point for women of all ages to learn the basics of fishing, target shooting and hunting. It’s also a chance to learn outdoor survival skills and confidence in the wilderness, ” said Ms. Vardy. The O.F.A.H. Women’s Outdoors Weekend was developed in response to women’s growing interest in outdoor pursuits, namely fishing, hunting and shooting sports. According to a 1996 survey from Environment Canada, women make up 25 percent of adult anglers and 15 percent of hunters. The Women’s Outdoors Weekend is a program of Ontario’s largest fishing, hunting and conservation organization, the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. – 30 – The W.O.W. Program is supported by: Contact
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