The VOICE of Anglers and Hunters since 1928

Why is the government leading crooks to legal gun owners?

OFAH File: 842/401-11
February 13, 2006

For Immediate Release

Why is the government leading crooks to legal gun owners?

The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters wants some answers from the Chief Provincial Firearms Office and the Canadian Firearms Centre, government agencies that released a map showing the concentration and general location of licensed firearms owners in Ontario. This highly private information was recently posted on the Toronto Star’s website.

In a letter faxed today to Ontario Attorney General, Michael Bryant, the O.F.A.H., representing tens of thousands of law-abiding gun owners, demanded to know why the Chief Provincial Firearms Office (C.F.O.), and the Canadian Firearms Centre (C.F.C.), are allowing the public, and the media, access to this kind of highly sensitive information.

“If the government is willing to release a map showing what communities have guns, what other private information about firearms owners is finding its way into the hands of the general public, the media, or worse, thieves and violent criminals?” said O.F.A.H. Executive Director, Mike Reader. “In our opinion, the C.F.O./C.F.C. have crossed the line, and their actions cause us to question whether the government can be trusted with highly sensitive information that could jeopardize the safety of millions of law abiding Canadians.”

This past weekend, more carefully-executed home invasions targeted firearms owners, a dangerous trend that has clearly gone beyond the point of “coincidence.” As such, the O.F.A.H. remains highly suspicious of the national firearms registry that has been condemned for dozens of leaks in privacy and confidentiality.

The vast majority of gun owners go beyond the call of duty in safely storing their firearms, and understandably so, most have become increasingly careful about keeping it “hush-hush” about their prized firearms collections.

“In our view, both the disclosure of the map to the media, and the publishing of the map by the Toronto Star, is highly irresponsible. It poses the question as to what possible reason the government would have for providing a yellow brick road to licensed firearms collectors,” added Reader.

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Greg Farrant
Government Relations Manager
(705) 748-6324

Robert J. Pye
Communications Coordinator
(705) 748-6324 ext. 267

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