OFAH File: 842/420 | For Immediate Release | |||
Walleye anglers on the hook for major regulation changesThe Ministry of Natural Resources is preparing to make significant changes to walleye regulations, and the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters wants to ensure that anglers have been given adequate opportunity to provide their input. Last year, Natural Resources Minister David Ramsay announced his plans for a provincial walleye review in an effort to streamline and simplify current fishing regulations. That review will be conducted across the province, but is now focused on the southern region which, broadly speaking, could affect walleye fishing in all parts south of the French River. The M.N.R. wants anglers to choose one option from their list of four proposed regulation changes; however, the O.F.A.H. says anglers should feel free to tell the M.N.R if there is something they want that is not on this list:
* In addition to these size restrictions, anglers will have to swallow four or two walleye catch limits, and shortened winter fishing seasons. “Walleye populations can certainly improve in southern Ontario, but regulating the harvest is not the only solution,” said O.F.A.H. Fisheries Biologist, Dave Brown. “Anglers are generally supportive of reasonable regulations that are within the best interest of conservation, provided that the government is doing its part to address all the other issues affecting walleye population.” Those issues, Brown said, include prevention of invading species and habitat loss, poaching, low water levels and poor water quality, as well as the need to boost support for O.F.A.H. member clubs and their fish stocking and hatchery programs. In response to M.N.R.’s review of southern region walleye regulations, the O.F.A.H. is providing as much information as possible on the Federation’s website, embarking on its own consultation and delivering feedback from stakeholders, and preparing additional options for the government’s consideration. Download complete information as well as M.N.R.’s public response procedures by visiting www.ofah.org – 30 – Help the O.F.A.H. make sure that anglers’ input is being heard by copying your M.N.R. comments to walleyeregs@ofah.orgContact
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