The VOICE of Anglers and Hunters since 1928

O.F.A.H. and fishing community slam federal government on fishing tackle ban proposal

OFAH FILE: 842/324
February 14, 2005


For Immediate Release

O.F.A.H. and fishing community slam federal government on fishing tackle ban proposal

The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (O.F.A.H.), its 78,000 members and 650 member clubs, join their provincial and territorial affiliates across Canada in condemning the federal government attempts to ban certain types of fishing tackle based on junk science and questionable motives.

“In my 30 years as a wildlife scientist, I’ve seen bad science and I’ve seen abuse of science, but never have I seen so much bad science and abuse of science in one document,” said University of Western Ontario professor emeritus and member of the Canadian Wildlife Services Editorial Review Board, Dr. Dave Ankney, regarding the federal government proposal that targets recreational anglers in Canada. Dr. Ankney was never asked to review the proposal.

“For several years, the O.F.A.H. and others in the sport fishing community have tried to work with the federal government to ensure that decisions on these issues are made on the basis of the best available science,” said Mike Reader, O.F.A.H. Executive Director. “Despite our best efforts, the government seems intent on plowing ahead with unsubstantiated and ill-advised recommendations that fail to consider all of the current scientific evidence, perhaps due in part to the previous Minister’s belief that banning some types of fishing tackle was an easy target. Unfortunately, the government’s professed concern for the health of our loon populations seems to ignore the existence of botulism type-e, which has been linked to the deaths of hundreds, and perhaps thousands of loons, and waterfowl on Lake Erie. Instead of addressing this threat to wildlife, the government has widened its proposed ban of some smaller sized lead sinkers to include a variety of fishing tackle including spoons, spinners, lures and other fishing tackle, that by all accounts will deliver a devastating blow to the sport fishing industry and the over 8 million recreational anglers in Canada.”

According to a review undertaken by Statistics Canada in 2000, direct expenditures on recreational sport fishing in Canada topped $3.5 billion, and when travel arrangements, hotels and food were factored in, the amount rose to over $6.7 billion per year. In 2000 alone, Canadian anglers devoted over one million volunteer days to cleaning up habitat, running hatcheries, volunteer stocking programs and other activities to enhance the aquatic environment. For example, the provincial Community Fisheries Involvement Program (C.F.I.P.) combines fisheries management expertise, supplies and equipment with publicly initiated conservation and habitat programs that impact upon 370 fisheries projects involving 10,000 volunteers who donate 90,000 hours annually to conservation.

“For some unknown reason, recreational sport fishing in Canada has been targeted by the federal government. We have met repeatedly with the government and provided them with a multitude of major scientific studies that refute their findings. Their insistence on plowing ahead with this undermines the credibility of a ban that includes fishing tackle that has nothing to do with protecting the environment or particular bird species. Unfortunately they have not and are not listening, and the proposed ban is poised to cripple a multi-billion dollar industry that has been at the forefront of environmental protection and enhancement,” noted Mr. Reader.



  Robert J. Pye
Communications Coordinator

Dr. Terry Quinney
Provincial Manager of Fish and Wildlife Services
(705) 748-6324 extension 242


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